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Pupil Parliament 2022-23

Pupil Parliament Election Day 2022

Friday 18th November 2022. What a fantastic day! Our pupils have elected their new Pupil Parliament. Candidates from each class delivered their election speeches in assemblies. This afternoon, pupils then brought their poll card to the polling station and cast their vote. Sensational day!

Our Nexus Pupil Parliament representative attended the meeting remotely today. Looking forward to hearing some more amazing ideas and suggestions from other Nexus Pupil Parliament members from our family of schools. The Nexus Pupil Parliament have discussed ideas about potentially holding a Trust wide sports day and also a combined Prom for Year 11 pupils. These ideas are to be taken back to our own Pupil Parliament and discussed with classes. 

Absolutely brilliant first Pupil Parliament of our newly elected group of MPs on Friday 2nd December 2022. Pupil Parliament Charter discussed, lanyard design chosen, ideas discussed and agenda set for the next meeting, which will be the first week back in January.

Here is our new Pupil Parliament having their second meeting at the start of January. They have already produced some amazing ideas, designed their charter, talked about lunch times and activities and have now started to focus on completing the environmental review.

Here is our amazing House of Lords having their second meeting. They have been busy supporting new members of our Pupil Parliament. One of the areas they have decided to work on is a new virtual tour of our school which they are going to produce & direct. We can’t wait!

What our Pupil Parliament members have been working on since becoming elected

After discussions during meetings, members of our Pupil Parliament discussed the food that we have at school. It was agreed that it was fantastic, but they wondered if it might be possible to look at some different menu choices? 

Three members of Parliament met with Relish (our catering providers) to discuss possible menu choices for after the Easter holidays. These menu choices were shared with classes and, as a result of this, some menu choices were made to reflect pupils' choices. 

Members of Parliament have also helped to create questions for Pupil Voice which was collected.  

They have also continued the work of the previous Pupil Parliament members by suggesting how our school dog could be in school more and that 'Vinnie' is now part of our Enrichment group cycle where pupils complete the Animal Care sessions working with Vinnie. 

Pupil Parliament members have also become instrumental in helping us to appoint new staff. They have given tours around school and asked interview questions, which has helped in appointing our new Deputy Headteacher, class teacher and support staff members. 

Members have continued to represent Pennine View pupils at the Nexus Pupil Parliament meeting and discussed Nexus Sports Day, Trust Prom and also staff recognition.