Impact- What difference does our curriculum make?
Our pupils will:
- Be able to communicate with others
- Learn skills of team work
- Be questioning
- Show resilience
- Learn from mistakes
- Be creative in their thinking
- Think through consequences before making decisions
- Be motivated and approach tasks in a positive way
- Have high aspirations
- Believe in themselves
Analysis of assessment, on a termly basis, evidences the progress our pupils are making in the Core Learning areas of reading, writing, Oracy and maths. Science, PE and DT leads also track pupil progress in their Subject Learning areas.
Impact is also evidenced through:
- Dojo – class and school stories
- Pupil work books
- Displays
- Celebrate Events at the end of a unit of work – a presentation of learning to an authentic audience
- Reflection activities at the end of a unit of work – pupils are encouraged to consider what they have learned and enjoyed
- Assessment data for reading, writing, maths
- Feedback from pupils, families and staff
- Annual Reviews and End of Year Reports
- External accreditation at Year 11 (English, maths, science)
- Successful transition to Post 16
By the end of Year 11, our pupils have developed their skills, confidence and self-esteem so that they can be successful in their next stages of education and in their adult life. Our pupils have developed healthy, positive relationships and know how to make and keep friends. Our pupils are able to express themselves confidently which enables them to thrive and also navigate conflicts in their relationships in a positive and productive way.